Built on best value, integrity and lasting partnerships with our clients.
our capabilities
- 24/7/365 Services
- Ability to Provide Cleared Services
- 8(a) Subsidiary backed by large ANC Corporation
- Outstanding safety record
- Low Experience Modification Rate (EMR)
- ISO 9001 Compliant Quality Management System
- Industry-recognized Workforce Management System
- CIMS Certified, CIMS-GB certified
- Security Advisory Panel & Subject Matter Experts
- Workforce Management System
- DCAA Compliant Accounting System and Provisional Rates
- Rapid Mobilization and or Immediate Services
- CMMS – MAXIMO and Archibus
- Expedited Contracting through 8(a) & ANC Sole Source Process
- Deep Bench Strength of High-quality Teams Readily Available
- Unionized Workforce, Labor Relations, and CBA Capabilities
- MILO Firearm Range
- Limited-Scope Performance Tests
- Capabilities to Support TAS and ESS
- Recall Rosters Ensuring Available Resources
- e-Learning to Ensure our Personnel Perform at Optimum Levels

business solutions
- Security Advisory Panel
- Workforce Management System
- Limited-Scope Performance Tests
- Industry Advisory Panels
- Recall Rosters/TAS/ESS
- Corporate Quality Assurance Program
- Multiple Interactive Learning Objectives (MILO) Firearm Range
- Learning Management System
- Quality Assurance Program
- Safety & Health, Risk Management and Mitigation Processes